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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Early days: A love for dragonflies

Following the capture of the emperor dragonfly in-flight, that I described in my previous post, I developed a keen interest in dragonflies and I started capturing the species that were visiting the pond.

Blue skimmer (Orthetrum brunneum) male Scarlet darter (Crocothemis erythraea) male

That's about how close my Canon Powershot S45 could take me and I still had to crop the photos to bring the dragonflies closer. Back then I used to crop my photos to 1280x1024 pixels to fit exactly my screen and I often used them as backgrounds.

Emperor dragonfly (Anax imperator) female ovipositing Violet Dropwing (Trithemis annulata) male

Back then I used to just put the subject in the center of the photo and not care for composition, my foremost intention was to get as close to the subject as possible and nail the focus. My favorite captures though were the ones I managed with the sky as a background:

Return of the King Red against blue

I still got to research every single species that I shot and managed to identify all pond visitors. This way I also got to learn more about their behavior which in turn helped me develop my approaching tactics.

1 comment:

Wendilea said...

Love your photos... dragonflies are one of my favorite creatures, and I'll be researching all your varieties!